nf-rnaSeqCount: A Nextflow pipeline for obtaining raw read counts from RNA-seq data
bioinformatics, pipelines, workflows, nextflow, singularity, container, reproducible, RNA-seqAbstract
The rate of raw sequence production through Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has been growing exponentially due to improved technology and reduced costs. This has enabled researchers to answer many biological questions through “multi-omics” data analyses. Even though such data promises new insights into how biological systems function and understanding disease mechanisms, computational analyses performed on such large datasets comes with its challenges and potential pitfalls. The aim of this study was to develop a robust portable and reproducible bioinformatic pipeline for the automation of RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data analyses. Using Nextflow as a workflow management system and Singularity for application containerisation, the nf-rnaSeqCount pipeline was developed for mapping raw RNA-seq reads to a reference genome and quantifying abundance of identified genomic features for differential gene expression analyses. The pipeline provides a quick and efficient way to obtain a matrix of read counts that can be used with tools such as DESeq2 and edgeR for differential expression analysis. Robust and flexible bioinformatic and computational pipelines for RNA-seq data analysis, from QC to sequence alignment and comparative analyses, will reduce analysis time, and increase accuracy and reproducibility of findings to promote transcriptome research.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Phelelani Mpangase, Jacqueline Frost, Mohammed Tikly, Michèle Ramsay, Scott Hazelhurst

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